How to use PINCODE for your unlimited Mobile Data Package Only TRUE network

PINCODE details

* Keeping your PINCODE information safe and confidential
* PINCODE will be expired if not activated within the period. Its expiry date is May 1, 2021.
* Once you have activated PINCODE, you can begin using unlimited internet at 4 Mbps speed package for 90 days. The day that you activate will count as the first day.
* True users can call 1242 for service from True Move H Universal Communication Co., Ltd. if you encounter any problem.
* USSD is a free interactive short message for mobile users to activate the PIN.
True SIM
• Enter the PINCODE on your phone using TRUE number to start internet package.
Press *744*33*PINCODE 10 digits # to automate USSD to activate PINCODE.

Report COVID-19 Incident at KMUTT

Report COVID-19 Incident at KMUTT at

  1. When suspecting that there is an anticipating COVID-19 infected person or you are infected with COVID-19.
  2. When witnessing the incident leading to the spread of the COVID-19 at KMUTT, i.e.,
  • Mass participation activity or event conducted in a small area.
  • Not sufficient soap or alcohol-based hand sanitizer gel provided at the event venue.
  • Shopkeepers do not wear face masks while preparing food or do not wash their hands.
  • Students and staff do not wear face masks.
  • Your personal information as well as that of the anticipating COVID-19 infected person will be kept confidential and without reference to one another.

Keep yourself updated with the COVID-19 situation and help report anticipating COVID-19 incident at KMUTT via

for the safety and the proper implementation of surveillance measures to effectively prevent the spread of COVID-19 at KMUTT.

How to use PINCODE for your unlimited Mobile Data Package Only TRUE network

PINCODE details

* Keeping your PINCODE information safe and confidential
* PINCODE will be expired if not activated within the period. Its expiry date is April 30, 2021.
* Once you have activated PINCODE, you can begin using unlimited internet at 4 Mbps speed package for 90 days. The day that you activate will count as the first day.
* True users can call 1242 for service from True Move H Universal Communication Co., Ltd. if you encounter any problem.
* USSD is a free interactive short message for mobile users to activate the PIN.
True SIM
• Enter the PINCODE on your phone using TRUE number to start internet package.
Press *744*33*PINCODE 10 digits # to automate USSD to activate PINCODE.

Welcome back ‘KMUTT Unlimited Data Package’

‘KMUTT Unlimited Data Package’
(Maximum speed at 4 Mbps for 90 days)
Exclusive for KMUTT students

Register to receive the package on AIS’s, DTAC’s and True’s networks
from today until January 25, 2021 at
Start from the day student receives SMS on phone.

If student uses other networks, please contact the Registrar’s Office
at LINE @regiskmutt

Student must read details completely before filling in the registration form. This form is valid until Monday 25th January 2021 at 12:00 pm.
This package is only for current students who live in Thailand.
If you already signed up for this service in Thai form, you should not register again.

For AIS and DTAC UsersFor True Users
A: For student who registers with phone number to use internet package, the system will register for student automatically. Student will receive SMS notification when the package is ready to use. It will start from the day student requires by phone numbers used for registration.A: KMUTT will send PINCODE with Registration Guidelines via SMS to registered number to enter the code on phone (USSD).
For AIS and DTAC UsersFor True Users
A: The Unlimited Mobile Data Package provided by KMUTT will start after the student’s current internet package finishes. In this case, student must select starting day to use KMUTT Unlimited Mobile Data Package carefully. It will start from the day student receives SMS on registered mobile number for 90 days. Student must consider to cancel current package to save cost.A: In case the current mobile data package provides unlimited higher speed internet, student can use the current package until package is expired or cancel the current package. In this case, student must select starting day to use KMUTT Unlimited Mobile Data Package carefully. It will start from the day student enters the code on phone (USSD) and will be valid for 90 days. SMS will be sent to student on the last day before the PIN CODE expires.

A: It is expected to be ready on February 16, 2021 onwards, depending on purchasing process.

A: Student might consider not to register for the package provided by KMUTT. Sharing this privilege to others is highly appreciated.

A: NBTC Work from Home package does not count the data used in applications such as Office 365 or Zoom. It is limited only for some particular applications. For KMUTT Unlimited Mobile Data Package, it allows to use all applications according to the Network service conditions.

A: Please contact the Registrar’s Office at Line @regiskmutt

How to use PINCODE for your unlimited Mobile Data Package

PINCODE details

* Keeping your PINCODE information safe and confidential
* PINCODE will be expired if not activated within the period. Its expiry date is July 31, 2020.
* Once you have activated PINCODE, you can begin using unlimited internet at 4 Mbps speed package for 90 days. The day that you activate will count as the first day.
* AIS users can call 1175 for service from Advance Wireless Network Co., Ltd. if you encounter any problem.
* True users can call 1242 for service from True Move H Universal Communication Co., Ltd. if you encounter any problem.
* USSD is a free interactive short message for mobile users to activate the PIN.
• Enter the PINCODE that you receive on your phone to start internet package.
Press *673*4*PINCODE 6 digits # to automate USSD to activate PINCODE.
• Show your PINCODE to receive your free SIM at AIS Shop, Telewiz and AIS Buddy outlets. Please check the opened and closed branches during the COVID-19 outbreak.
• Insert a new SIM to the phone and enter the PINCODE to start the internet package.
Press *637*4*PINCODE 6 digits # to automate USSD to activate PINCODE.

Current True SIMNew True SIM
• Enter the PINCODE on your phone using TRUE number to start internet package.
Press *744*33*PINCODE 10 digits # to automate USSD to activate PINCODE.
• Show your student Card to get a SIM at 7-11 and True Shop.
• Insert a new SIM to the phone and enter the PINCODE to start the internet package.
Press *744*33*PINCODE 10 digits # to automate USSD to activate PINCODE.
PINCODE will be expired if not activated within the period. Its expiry date is July 31, 2020.